Training women with Pelvic Organ Prolapse

This Masterclass will dive deep into pelvic organ prolapse.
Shockingly, around 50% of women will experience pelvic organ prolapse. There are 10 key risk factors for prolapse and it is important to know all of them – because it is the stacking of these risk factors that makes prolapse so common.
Looking in-depth at each risk factor helps guide us to best practices when working with women.
Prolapse does not kill women. However, inactivity does. We can support women to remain active, but be sensitive, and empathetic to their needs.
This course has been created for Fitness Professionals and fitness enthusiasts.
Fee: $25 AUD
Duration: 1.5 hours
- Learn exactly what is pelvic organ prolapse and who it affects
- There are 10 key risk factors that can lead to POP – learn how these stack up
- With each risk factor there are key modifications that can be made to support women who have POP or seeking to avoid POP
- What is your scope of practice and who can support you?
Fee: $25 AUD
Duration: 1.5 hours
Intakes: Enrolments are taken throughout the year on a continuous basis.
Study Mode: Online
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Feedback from Course Participants
I’m in my 50’s, I have a teen daughter and my girlfriends are curious and keen to know about what to expect as we age. As PT I want to be at the forefront of women’s health, which is what EVEolution™ has done for me. The EVEolution™ modules cover the pelvic floor, posture, breathing, leakage, prolapse, periods, menopause and much more. when is best to do something over others during our cycle, pregnancy, post natal AND of course Marvellous Menopause.
EVEolution™has given me a much greater understanding and a tool to refer back to anytime. EVEolution™ is easy to follow and not arduous in time as you can do it at your own pace.
I am a far better PT for having completed EVEolution™ and all my female clients are benefitting.
I highly recommend it whether you are a PT or a woman who wants to understand how our bodies change (along with our hormones!) over time.
I loved it!
Linda ALTO fitness
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