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Every single person with ovaries will experience menopause. And unlike puberty – the other book end of reproduction, there are not classes to help understand this huge transitional change. But you can be the go to person for your clients!

This romp through the changes of menopause will help you zoom out and see your clients transition into post menopause as one part of their whole life. Through this lens you will be able to confidently (and comfortably) help them with the changes that can have a massive impact for the next third of their lives.

*** Spoiler Alert *** the things that works for women pre-menopause, might not work now. You need to know the difference!

This Masterclass is packed with actionable strategies that will make you the hero, regardless of whether you have lived experience of menopause or not.

Fee:  $25.00

Duration: 1.5 hours

  • A deep dive into the stages of menopause through the lens of “what else” is happening in their lives
  • Understand the hormonal changes and what this means to their training.
  • Understand the physical differences and what this means to their training
  • Understand the psychological changes and what this means to you as their trainer
  • How to NOT LOSE your client as they navigate this potentially tricky time in their life with clear actionable strategies to keep the connection


Fee:  $25.00

Duration:  1.5 hours

Intakes:  Enrolments are taken throughout the year on a continuous basis.

Study Mode:  Online

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Feedback from Course Participants
“I work as a physiotherapist and personal trainer in Sydney. I was lucky to attend this presentation live in person with Mish in New Zealand, and as is the case with many of her workshops, it was informative, relevant and fun. 
As females, menopause will affect all of us and yet it still isn’t the open discussion it should be. This workshop gives a good understanding around the topic of our reproductive life cycle and how we may help our clients as they transition through this natural phase of life.  
Menopause can be natural or as a result of medical intervention, so if you work with female clients then start to get some good information about this stage of hormonal change.”
-Sally Harrison
Director / Physio / Corrective Exercise
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