Masterclass Bundle

What is better than 1 Masterclass?
3 of course!
This bundle give you:
- Peri-menopause. Training women aged 37+ – everything you need to know to prep your clients for perimenopause
- Square Pegs & Round Holes – the Do’s and Don’ts of Training women
- Periodisation for periods – how to train and write effective training programs that are in sync with the menstrual cycle
This bundle saves you money!
FEE: $65.00 AUD
- Menstrual cycle 101 and key hormones
- Period Tracking
- Period dysfunction
- Training with the menstrual cycle
- 7 best tips to create a period-friendly environment
- Understand exactly what is peri-menopause
- What the heck oestrogen and cortisol have to do with EVERYTHING!
- Two key chronic conditions that effect peri-menopausal women and training adaptations
- Practical applications for Fitness Professionals to effectively train women
- Work within your Scope of Practice
- Understand key anatomical and hormonal differences
- How to engage empathetically
- Chronic conditions specific to women and training adaptations
Assessment: NONE!
Fee: $65 AUD
Duration: 1-2 hours per masterclass
Study Mode: Online via the Learning Management System
Feedback from Course Participants
“I’ve gained so much from doing these modules! I’m post-menopausal but have never had children, so this has enhanced my capability to train women. I recommend this course for all trainers who work with women – so much here is not covered in our standard training. It is also worthwhile for all women – no matter where they are in their ‘ages and stages, there is so much useful information to learn and share with their women friends. I feel more confident working with women who may be wrestling with pelvic issues, particularly those in the peri-menopause stage. So grateful!
-Judith Dennis
Personal Trainer/Group Trainer – Judith Dennis Fitness
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