Category: Women’s Health and Fitness Summit
Exercise NZ Conference 2022

Exercise NZ Conference 2022

If you are a people person like me, conferences are always special events. This is particularly true for the Exercise New Zealand event (formerly called FitEx). This is my 7th year attending this event as a presenter, including last year, which I presented online, as...

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Your health is like a 3-legged stool

Your health is like a 3-legged stool

It's no secret that leading a healthy lifestyle can help you live longer. But what's often overlooked is the importance of having healthy relationships. Studies have shown that strong social connections are just as crucial to your health as eating right and exercising...

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When should I see a physio?

When should I see a physio?

A pelvic health physiotherapist is the starting point to work out any issues you may be experiencing. These might be new or changing experiences due to having children, hitting menopause, or even changing your exercise routine. Bypass the Instagram doctors and get the...

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Why walking is an unpopular form of exercise

Why walking is an unpopular form of exercise

Don’t discount the daily walk A daily walk provides enormous health benefits – but can be overlooked in the rush to start ambitious exercise regimes. No one has ever finished a walk and said, "Well that was a waste of time!" Following on our series of one small change...

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What exercise should I be doing?

What exercise should I be doing?

This would have to be one of the questions I get asked the most. Especially from women who are at the changeover times of their lives – like: Pregnancy Postnatal Perimenopause Postmenopause Or they may just have read something about the menstrual cycle and want to...

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Is this my last menstrual period?

Is this my last menstrual period?

I am 52 years old and every time I get my period I wonder if it is my last one. The average age for women to complete the menopause transition is around 51. And to be clear – that means that you have had exactly 12 months free of your period before you can claim the...

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Almond Croissants & Birth Trauma

Almond Croissants & Birth Trauma

These two things may seem like an unlikely blog title. But allow me to share a story with you. I have been a mover and shaker in the fitness industry for more than a decade. My passion has been to create a greater awareness of women's health issues. And to build on...

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